415-304-0059 Mike@SFCEH.com

Hollywood Method

Can you really turn off your stress, worry and anxiety? What about emotional pain from the past?

We are turning off stress and anxiety and healing the emotional wounds of the past – right over the phone – for people all over the world. There is no medicine involved, and no hard work. This is a completely new way of teaching our brain how to respond appropriately, through our unique method.

By discovering exactly how our brains create painful memories, we developed an easy, conversational way of healing stress, anxiety, fears and emotional trauma from our past. We are helping people discover this every day, and it’s transforming lives.

Which means we can’t help but begin to wonder, what would your life be like if you could turn off your stress and anxiety? How would it be if worry didn’t consume and affect you the same way?

The peace and ease that we all deserve to have is now real and people all over the world are living it, every day.

How It Works.

Have you ever seen a scary movie? People often say “I couldn’t swim or take baths after that!” or “I slept with the lights on for so long!” What’s remarkable is that you don’t actually have to be in the presence of a threat to feel scared or anxious. You’d don’t have to be there to pick up a lingering fear or phobia. Sometimes all it takes is someone to tell us a short story and we automatically start making pictures of it in our mind. It can take seconds to scare us in a movie theatre, or create life long trauma from an instant in a car crash for example.

Either way, it’s all the same how we create stress, anxiety and fear. It’s the same system and the same parts of our brain that make it happen.

The discovery that makes these changes possible is how we can now use these parts of our mind  – the parts that can’t tell if we are swimming in the ocean with sharks or relaxing at home in a warm bath. By directing our brains through our method, we make parts of our brains ‘talk’ to each other to create specific learnings. In one-on-one sessions over the phone or video conferencing, we discover what the exact learning needs to be that’s missing and talk our clients through it using our unique method.

The very part of us that left us stuck in the moment is the part of us that can set us free. That’s it. We simply enjoy a fascinating conversation for 1.5 to 2 hours from a private, comfortable place. Grab yourself a refreshing, non-alcoholic beverage and a snack and you’re all good to go.

What does this work on, and what does it feel like afterwards?

We’ve helped countless people and their particular needs were broad in type and scope. From helping people travel in cars, busses and airplanes again without fear or apprehension, to healing the trauma of assault, abusive childhoods and loss of a loved one. Our clients range from well known Hollywood, Broadway actors and other luminaries with stalkers to students with testing anxiety. A popular request is helping people feel safe to love again or improve their relationships.

Feeling Peace and Ease in our day to day life is amazing, especially when we finally heal and move on from the loss of loved ones and tragedy in our past. It’s easy to remember them how we wish to, and automatically focus on the parts we want.

Physically, clients usually report a great night sleep, vivid dreams of learning and resolution and a sense that things are somehow different. Life seems easier and an distinct feeling that people are nicer and the world is less threatening.

Frequently there is an ‘Aha!’ moment where you notice how things have already been different for a while. The burden has lifted and with it our energy and outlook. People report that depression begins to lift as our brains begin to find a more balanced, natural state of calm.

The Paradox of Stress

Stress, fear, worry and anxiety are common place in our lives today. As humans, we need stress to grow and respond to our world. But we also have too much at times. We work hard, have relationships and families to tend to, so we know how hard it is to fall asleep or feel like we haven’t had good sleep in some time.

For some that comes with bad dreams and nightmares. Eventually we notice that we’re short with friends, colleagues and family where once the ‘little things’ were just that, and not cause for a bad temper or raging outburst. Then, someone tells us “You’ve gotta do something about your stress levels!”

Stress Management Has Changed.

Has your doctor ever said to you “You just need to eliminate the stress in your life.” Easier said than done Doc!

If only we could get a written prescription to hand to our boss. “Sorry ma’am, I’m only working half days now and you’ll have to give me a raise.”

Perhaps they expect us to waive it in front of the family and say “Doctor’s orders. You have to cook and clean and I’m not paying the mortgage and car payment anymore. Bring me bon bons!”

In our modern lives we’re busier and working harder than ever before. Finding an extra 2 hours everyday for exercise, meditation and slow cooking dinner doesn’t just happen. Yes, deep breathing and meditation can be useful and appropriate, as does a nice treat and an occasional movie on the couch. But we can only eat, exercise, sleep or drink so much. We need a permanent solution so we don’t have to remember and struggle to be different.

Whether it’s because of our commute, fear of flying or the challenges in our finances, the reality is that external stressors and triggers don’t go away. If we don’t find a solution, stress and anxiety not only stop us from enjoying life, but they stop us from doing what we really need to do to make it better!  For example, do you ever find yourself afraid to have “that” talk with your partner or are you afraid to ask for more love, or a raise at work? By putting things off, they grow and become bigger and worse with time. If we can dissolve our blocks and turn off negative emotions, we begin to take charge and rapidly transform our lives.

Healing Our Past
Guilt, Anger and Shame are toxic in our lives. Even when we’ve forgiven someone or been forgiven, the feelings rarely go away or ease up. This is especially the case when we can’t help but get angry or sad every time we remember what happened. These burdens weighs heavily on all of us, but they need not. They affect us so much, whether it’s from divorce, breakups, words we’d wish we said, or often worse, the ones we wish we hadn’t.

Almost every eruption of anger and lost tempers are triggered responses and not failings of character. Turning off bad tempers and repairing damaged relationships is so much easier when we aren’t triggered by life’s circumstances and the pain of the past.

The Good News about Panic and Overwhelm
Stress, Fear and Anxiety are an inside game, regardless of what happens around us. This is great news! Because it is, we’re able to take control and turn it off our overwhelm, fear and panic attacks and reclaim our lives.

We offer a free, 20 minute consultation over the phone. You may reach us at 415-304-0059 or simply use our Contact Page.

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