415-304-0059 Mike@SFCEH.com

The Method is a unique, fun and insightful conversation over the phone or web. It’s a guide to create highly specific learning and updating in our brains that turns off stress, anxiety, fear, trauma and nightmares.

The art and science behind it is based upon thousands of insights, discoveries and technologies.  We stand on the shoulders of many giants who’s influences come from classic psychology and hypnosis to linguistics and spiritual counseling practices.

It’s wisdom covers thousands of years of human understanding but more importantly, unprecedented, brand new discoveries. It would take nearly endless pages and pages filling up this website to explain it all. And there is also so much mystery to the human brain that some of the * exact * mechanisms that make it work are still under study.  

The Guardian Method is the basis of our 1 on 1 counseling sessions, though recent experience shows great promise for working with structured groups. Group’s both in one physical place and scattered throughout the world and brought together via web conferencing report the same positive results. This offers hope for its expansion to help greater numbers of people in shorter periods of time in the future.

During a session, we are looking to understand exactly what your day to day experience has been like and how this is affecting your life. We often discover and appreciate how life has changed and affected us,  from the major to the subtle ways.

Together, we’ll work in very specific ways to clarify exactly what you’d like, whether it’s about ‘getting my old life back’ to ‘creating a whole new me’. Whatever you’d like, this is exactly what we work to create.

This is important because this is the primary awareness that leads us to the root learnings and perceptions that has caused our bodies and brains to react the way that they are. This is one of the most fascinating parts of the Method and it frequently leads people to amazement.

What is actually happening during a session?

There is a tremendous insight gained and incredible amounts of learning that take place. While we could write volumes about all of it, there are a couple of things in particular that help encapsulate it.

Each hemisphere of our brains hold part of the story of who we are and what actually happened in our life. By using our specific methods, we get the two hemispheres to ‘talk’ to each other and learn what the other knows. At this point, in the process, our brain finally learns that the war, the car crash, assault, fire etc is finally over and we are finally safe.

This is where our parasympathetic nervous system is activated and further learning starts to automatically happen on its own. Reports of deep, cleansing sighs, waves of relief and relaxation, even deep belly laughs and quiet tears of completion are very common. Some people have even reported their lungs fully expanding for the first time and awareness of the sound of their own breathing.

We are actually teaching your brain how to feel safe when it is the right time and place to do so.

Your brain will automatically determine when it’s ok to relax and when it’s appropriate to be on alert, without you having to exert your will about it, be disciplined about it, etc.  This is what begins to make life feel so much easier and more peaceful, immediately. These changes happen without struggle. That’s why they are permanent and last.

By teaching our brains how to correctly respond in the times and places we wish, there are no actual exercises or special homework to be done. Only occasionally do we suggest keeping some notes if it my be helpful, but that’s about it.

We offer free consultations for all First Responders, Veterans, Frontline Medical Workers and their families.

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